Mercury Retrograde: August 2024

From August 5 – 28, Mercury will be in its retrograde motion.

Mercury Retrograde occurs 3-4 times per year. It’s a pretty common phenomenon where it appears that the planet has changed directions and is moving backwards through the zodiac. This is, however, an optical illusion.

When a planet gets close to the earth, it will temporarily appear to move backwards. This is similar to passing a train or semi truck on the road. So, no, the planet hasn’t actually changed its orbit, but it appears that way to us from our vantage point on the earth. 

And this brings plenty of energetic dynamics to navigate!

planets in space

So what do you do?

Firstly, take a deep breath! You’ve done this dozens of times in your lifetime, and there’s a great chance that you’ll make it through this one too 😉

Secondly, there are TONS of benefits to Mercury Retrograde. The idea is that we get to go back and review things that we have left behind. Generally, anything you do that starts with the letters “re-” is going to be beneficial.

Review / Re-do / Revisit / Renew / Repair / Reschedule / Replace / Reorganize / Reconstruct / Reflect / Renegotiate / Reduce / Redirect

The list goes on and on, but you get the idea!

woman journaling

Finally, there are some things that are best avoided during a Mercury Retrograde period. In astrology, Mercury is associated with the analytical thinking mind. When the planet appears to be moving backwards, so too, does your analytical mind. This means that it’s best to engage more with your creative mind and less with your analytical mind (whenever possible). 

Many times, when new decisions are made during a Mercury Retrograde, they later need to be changed. The analytical mind isn’t functioning at its fullest capacity, so you may not be aware of all the aspects of your decision-making.

connection of heart and brain

Some of the major things to avoid:

— Changing travel plans

— Signing contracts

— Upgrading or buying new electronics (repairs are okay!)

— Starting new projects or businesses (re-start your old ones instead!)

If you do find yourself in a position where you need to do one of these things, I have two simple remedies for you to try:

— Breathe in and out from your right nostril for 1-3 minutes

— Hold the Mercury mudra by touching your thumb to your pinkie finger

breathe long and deep through the right nostril for 1-7 minutes for a mercury retrograde remedy

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.