Autumn Equinox & Solar Eclipse

Happy Autumn!

Our fall equinox arrived on Sunday, September 22nd and we are now in the season of balance.

This time of year offers the opportunity to let go of the past and move forward into a time of introspection.

Just like the trees lose their leaves, it’s time for you to let go of the old to make space for renewal.

autumn tree losing its leaves in the wind

If your idea of renewal includes incorporating more joy into your life, check out my interview on the Create a Magical Day podcast, hosted by the lovely and Joyful Genia!


The podcast will be released on September 29th and we have an Instagram Live planned at 7pm CDT that evening. Also, you can win a FREE astrology reading with me by signing up for her Free Joyful Tips.

create a magical day logo with rainbow, sun, and cloud

Podcast | Instagram | Free Joyful Tips

This weekend brings…

a planetary combination that is perfect for profound insights and innovative thinking.

The Sun, Mercury, and Ketu all come together in the sign of Virgo.

When the Sun and Mercury combine, it offers illumination (Sun) of the analytical mind (Mercury).

Ketu, our shadow planet of past life karma, brings exceptional wisdom and precision.

All of these planets together in the sign of Virgo creates a beautiful recipe for understanding, organization, and healing.

cartoon woman sitting on a yoga mat surrounded by health symbols.

You can use this time to renew your health routines as Virgo can support you in establishing strong habits.

Plus, as Venus transits through Libra, you may find opportunities to clear (Ketu) and heal (Virgo) your relationship to your father figures (Sun) or sisters (Mercury).

This energy peaks over the weekend and will continue through our Solar Eclipse that will arrive on Wednesday, October 2nd.

The Solar Eclipse will be in a section of Virgo called Hasta. In Sanskrit, Hasta means “hand” and  offers the opportunity to reach toward that which we want.

open hand with a solar eclipse on the palm

During these potent times, remember that it’s best to work with introspection, reflection, and brainstorming.

Taking big actions, signing contracts, and expending a lot of energy are best avoided until eclipse season subsides.

Over this next week, give yourself time to reflect. Clean out a cluttered space, journal about what’s on your mind, and practice more yoga and meditation.

There is bountiful information just waiting to be received by you.

Tune in and listen.

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.