Happy Full Moon


Our Full Moon arrived on Thursday, October 17th at 6:26 am Central US Time. 


It took place in a section of the zodiac that is imbued with healing energy.

electrocardiogram with a heart

In Vedic Astrology, we look at the zodiac through what are called Lunar Mansions or Nakshatras.


These 27 Lunar Mansions are associated with the Lunar Cycle and give a more detailed view of the zodiac.


They were used before the 12 zodiac signs and offer symbolism and stories to help us understand the energy of planetary placements.

circle of the zodiac with symbols

This Full Moon took place in the Lunar Mansion called Ashwini.


Ashwini is symbolized by twin brothers who were the healers of the gods.


This brings a profound opportunity for physical, mental, and emotional healing.


Also, Ashwini gives the power to reach things quickly and can allow us to achieve goals.

3 arrow in the center of a bullseye

An interesting component of this Full Moon is that it culminated at the tail end of Pisces and the beginning of Aries.


When a planet moves between a water sign (Pisces) and a fire sign (Aries), it is going through the gandanta or the “knot at the end”.


The “knot” that’s referred to here is one that is very well tied and difficult to unravel.

complicated knotted rope

This translates as an opportunity to unravel karmic patterns that relate with letting go (Pisces) and starting fresh (Aries).


If you’ve been holding on to past patterns, stories, or justifications, now is the time for release.


No matter how difficult things have been and how justified you are for feeling the way you do, the only person you’re affecting is yourself.

woman seated in meditation with her head tilted toward the sky with light and energy surrounding her

After a period of time, whether the challenges from your past were caused by you or someone else, doesn’t matter.


When you’re on a journey of evolution, there comes a point when you must take responsibility for your future.


The only person that “needs” to do the changing is you.

hands held out in a cupped gesture with light and energy surrounding them

So, during the energy of this Full Moon, be courageous. 


Let go of the blame, guilt, and justifications.


Create the vision of your future and step forward.


You are SO worthy of being FREE.

person standing in front of the cosmos

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.