Jupiter Retrograde & You

Now that eclipse season has come to a close, it’s time for you to settle and direct your focus toward how you’d like to complete this year.


Remember those New Year’s Resolutions you set?


Yeah, me neither 😉


Regardless, this is the opportune time for you to create a new habit that will benefit your life.

electrocardiogram with a heart

Eclipse season ended with a Solar Eclipse in the health-conscious and habit-forming sign of Virgo. 


The energy from a Solar Eclipse continues to unfold for the next 6 months (until our next eclipse season).


Since Virgo energy supports health and habits, the small changes you make now will snowball into larger benefits over time.

cartoon man sitting in front of his laptop with symbols of progress all around

This period of time will coincide with Jupiter retrograde, which began its 4-month cycle on October 9th.


Retrograde cycles tend to make planets stronger and allow us to go back to things we’ve left behind.


 This Jupiter Retrograde cycle will take place in the Vedic sign of Taurus.


Taurus represents material items, sensual pleasures, and wealth.

Jupiter brings opportunities.


Sound good…?

It can be!

gold and diamonds

However, it is important to remember moderation.


This energy can sometimes go overboard by overspending on luxury items or experiences.


This time is better spent on:

Reviewing your financial situation

Looking for ways to refine your spending

Revisiting opportunities that were left behind


When you do find that extra bundle to splurge with, consider using it to revisit or engage with an experience that you’ve enjoyed from the past.


You may find yourself seeing things in a whole new way.


Enjoy the luxury because you deserve it!

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.