Mr. Mars is on the Move

It takes Mars about 6 weeks to move through a zodiac sign and starting July 12th, Mars will shift into sidereal Taurus.

In Taurus, Mars will combine with the outer planet, Uranus. When these two planets combine, there’s a lot of energy that swirls up.

Excitement, surprise, and intensity can show up in our relationships and the outer world.

Personally, I use astrology like a weather forecast:

“Should I prepare for hot or cold weather? Rain or shine? Windy or calm?”

So, when I see a combination like Mars and Uranus on the horizon, I prepare myself to channel the extra energy into what I’d like to create in my life.

The beauty of these two planets combining in the earthy realms of Taurus is that there is an immense amount of energy that can be directed toward the material plane.

Mars represents energy, zeal, and drive.

Uranus represents freedom, revolution, and surprises.

Taurus represents wealth, success, and comfort.

 One way to interpret this astrological “weather” is that these 6 weeks will be the opportune time to revolutionize how you are engaging with the comforts and successes of your life. 

Channel your energy toward creating more freedom, and enjoy the surprising ways that wealth manifests in your life.


The most transformative way I’ve found to do this is as follows:

Look at areas of your life where you are living conditionally or with a lack of belief.

“I can’t do ___ because of them” 

“If I had enough ___ then I’d be happy”

“It’s not possible for me because of ___”

When you honestly review these statements, you see that you’ve been living as the victim of your life rather than the creator.

These statements are an example of giving your power away to a person, condition, or circumstance that is outside of you.

It is time for you to remember that there is immense power within you. 

Take these 6 weeks as an opportunity to call your power back to yourself:

Turn off the TV.

Put down your phone.

Journal about what you truly want to create in your life.

Close your eyes and practice feeling how it would feel to have manifested your creation.

Walk into your day holding this new state of being.

Repeat whenever you lose the energy of this new state.


It’s time for you to fall in love with life.

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.