The Grand Journey of Mars in Cancer


On Sunday, October 20th, Mars entered the Vedic sign of Cancer and began his grand journey that will continue until June 6, 2025.

“Grand journey”, you ask?

Well, yes! And it includes its retrograde cycle, but more on that in a moment.

arrows going around in a circle

Mars is our planet of energy, zeal, drive, and determination. 

He is the “Spiritual Warrior” and supports us in overcoming challenges.

silhouette of a warrior 2 yoga pose

Cancer is a zodiac sign that is nurturing, attached, emotional, intuitive, and sensitive.

This is the “cocoon” of the zodiac where we can feel and be vulnerable.

woman holding pink heart

Mars moves through Cancer every 18 to 24 months, and in astrology, Mars is considered to be debilitated in this sign.

Debilitation refers to a planet being unable to express itself fully.

If you consider the Spiritual Warrior being nestled into a cocoon of vulnerability, you can understand why Mars may feel out of place here.

unhappy face

If we aren’t mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, this energy tends to show up as a lack of motivation or in a passive-aggressive way.

It’s important to channel this energy in a productive way, since Mars will be in and out of this Cancerian dance until June 2025.

hourglass tilted

Which leads me to the retrograde cycle I mentioned earlier…

Mars continues moving forward through Cancer until December 6, 2024 when it turns retrograde.

Mars only retrogrades every 26 months, so he makes sure we notice when he does 😉 


This retrograde cycle will continue for 11 weeks and 3 days until February 23, 2025.

This is quite different from Mercury who retrogrades 3-4 times a year for around 3 weeks at a time.

So, what does this mean for you?

For the next 6 weeks, as Mars moves forward through Cancer:

– Move your body! Yoga and martial arts are especially effective.

– Put energy and action into improving your home

– Self-motivate to keep on track with your goals

– Keep a steady rhythm of action and rest

– Maintain a healthy relationship with your mother, family, and friends

– Offer assistance to people you love

woman seated in meditation with her head tilted toward the sky with light and energy surrounding her

I’ll keep you updated as this Mars journey continues into his retrograde cycle.

So, until then, channel those emotions into righteous action!

Want to Learn More?

See how this will personally affect you by scheduling an Astrology Reading or a Tarot Reading with me.